Secrets of a big loser

According to Calorie Lab News:

The August issue of Redbook includes the story of Kristy Martin, a 37-year-old from Kansas who has lost 120 pounds. She gained a lot of weight in college and wore a size 20 wedding dress.

It wasn’t until she read on her medical chart when pregnant with her second son that she was obese that she really thought about having a serious weight problem. When she had her wisdom teeth taken out ate she couldn’t eat to fill the boredom, so she started exercising and eventually dropped nearly half her weight through walking and eating better.

She says it’s critical to get over the guilt of taking time for yourself to exercise, because you’re better able to help others and less stressed if you take that time. Other slimming tips include planning meals in advance and cutting down on grazing during meal preparation, saying no to family members who try to push unhealthy foods on you and celebrating losses by getting great new clothes.

I try to imagine what’s going through the minds of people who would push unhealthy foods on a woman who is 120 lbs overweight – I just keep coming up with a blank…